My Notes From: How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven

I continue to share my notes of great information, today it’s from Dr. John Demartini‘s great book How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven.

Yes, this is a lengthy post, but there is just so much deep wisdom in this book :-)

The Principle of Fair Exchange

  • The principle of fair exchange is a basic law of nature: Paying a fair price for a fair service in a timely manner.
  • Pay yourself first!
  • Selfishness doesn’t serve; enlightened self-interest does.
  • There is no such thing as a free lunch.
  • Make a list of anything or anyone in your life that feels incomplete or out of balance, and find a way to bring it back into fair exchange. It will have an incredible effect on your mind and your finances!
  • If you think you have nothing, why would the universe invest in you? (compare it to a bank; if you have nothing the bank won’t lend you money)
  • Entropy is the tendency for things to break down, to go from an ordered to an disordered state, so every time you put money into a more disordered system than your own, entropy takes over and system is further dissipated. The universe is trying to teach you to invest in higher order and inspiration, and when you don’t, you receive a lesson. (Erik: Invest in lowering the entropy of the world)

The Secret of Charity

  • The wisest way to give a donation, contribute to a charity or tithe is to do it anonymously. (Erik: Then you play the part of the universe for the receiver, the receiver is grateful and inspired by the universe and you get your thank back from the universe instead from the receiver – who might not have what you want)
  • Anytime you invest in inspiration rather than desperation, your inner self wealth grows.

The Power of Appreciation

Appreciation raises the frequency of your consciousness, and ingratitude lowers it. Whenever you fail to appreciate what you give and receive, you lower your potential energy and block the channels through which you heavenly wealth can flow.

Every time you play a bill or write a check in the state of resentment or ingratitude, that’s the message you send into the world. From now on, send a different message. Whenever you receive a bill or an invoice, have thanks that somebody appreciated you so much that they lent you money or gave you a product, service or idea in advance. They had the confidence and trust in you to invest in you, and you’re now writing a check of appreciation back to them,. Remember the beauty of saying “Payment is due when service is rendered.”

Instead of begrudging the expense, remember how what you’re paying for has served you, and pay that bill in a state of appreciation and gratitude. Give thanks for what you’ve already received, give thanks for being able to pay for it, and watch how it transforms your relationship with wealth. Rather than a sense of lack or loss, this, creates a feeling of enrichment and abundance. When you feel different about sending wealth into the world, the world will feel different about sending wealth back to you.Transactions cease to be about gain and loss and become a flow. This is financial metaphysics, and it works.

From Self Worth to Net Worth

  • You set the standard, and the more you raise that value, the more you receive it.
  • Until you value yourself, don’t expect others to.
  • As you believe, so shall you receive.

Take Your Privates Public

  • When you can take the things you judge in yourself and appreciate them to the point where it wouldn’t matter if people found out, you’ll attain real self-love.
  • The world is a mirror that shows how you feel about yourself and with self-love there’s little fear of such reflection.
  • “I would rather have the whole world against me than my own soul!”

You Are Divine Perfection

  • No one wakes up in the morning and says: “God, I wish I could think mall! I wish I could have less and do less and be less in my life!”
  • Within everyone is an irresistible urge to grow and expand. You’re destined for greatness. It’s inevitable.

The Spiritual Laws of Saving

  • Until you manage money wisely, don’t expect more money to manage.
  • Fixed incomes lead to fixed lifestyles because of fixed thinking.
  • Save 10% of your net income per month on your immortal savings account. Increase the savings rate every quarter by 10%.
  • Set up automated transfers for your savings. Pay yourself first.

Manage Your Emotions… or They’ll Manage You

  • Until you can mange your emotions, don’t expect to be able to manage money.” -Warren Buffet
  • Emotion, not love, is blind.
  • “Excessive pains and pleasures are justly to be regarded as the greatest disease to which the soul is liable. For a man who is in great joy or in great pain, in his unseasonable eagerness to attain the one and avoid the other, is not able to see or hear anything right; he is mad, and is at time utterly incapable of any participation in reason.” -Plato
  • Decide how much you’d love to make in a day, and simply start carrying that amount in your wallet. Don’t spend this money. It’s purely a psychological cushion, so put it in a separate section of your wallet, away from your spending money. (To have no money in your pocket is like driving on empty)

Evolutionary Investing

The Pyramid:

Fill up every level from the first up with at least the amount you make in 2 months:

  1. Level: Money-market savings account (3-6%)
  2. Level: Selective, highly rated municipal bonds or treasury bills (5-7%)
  3. Level: A balanced mutual fund and an index fund of corporate bonds and a few blue chip stocks (7-9%)
  4. Level: Pure blue chip stocks in form of mutual or index funds (9-11%)
  5. Level: Mid to large-cap stocks (11-13%)
  6. Level: Mid and small-cap stocks
  7. Level: Options, …

When a level is full, leave it alone an go on to the next , but allow the interest in each one to accumulate there.

  • “The stock market is a financial redistribution system. It takes money away from those who have no patience and gives it to those who have.” -Warren Buffet
  • Managers: Don’t give your money to any individual or company that has less than you do.
  • Dept: Don’t wait with saving until you have wiped out your dept. Start saving immediately in parallel to dept reduction because savings have a positive psychological effect.
  • Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth, and those that circulate the most have the least value.

The Business of Business

  • Peter Principle: Eventually, through promotions, you reach a level of incompetence or a level that’s beyond your ability.
  • Going beyond the plateau requires you to increase your internal order, so first we’ll look at how to increase self-mastery and internal order, and then we’ll go on to the details of orderly managing and leading others.

Time Is Life

  • It’s been said that idle time can be the devil’s workshop.
  • Any time or space that’s not filled with high priorities can automatically become filled with low priorities, and if you don’t know your high priorities, you’ll fall into the lows.
  • Take the time to define your top priorities, because if you don’t your time will be filled with other people’s priorities and probably you own fears.

Raise Your Standards



  • Support those who are overly down and challenge those who are overly up.
  • Your greatest management process, though, will be beyond rewards and punishments – it will be to inspire.
  • Since you won’t want your emotions getting in the way of your business, be sure to hire only those you can equally praise and reprimand or hire and fire.
  • “If we take people only as they are, then we make them worse; if we treat them as if they were what they should be, then we bring them to were they can be brought.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • If you hire desperation, you’ll breed it in your business.
  • Many skills you can train, but inspiration isn’t easy to develop.
  • If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
  • If you pay them more than they’re worth, they’ll feel guilty about it and distract themselves.
  • It lowers people’s self-worth to get something for nothing.
  • If you’d love to have your employees be productive, give them just a bit more than they think they can do, and they’ll do more than they ever thought possible.

Keep Your Distance

  • Don’t get too close to you employees or clients.
  • Becoming too professional and impersonal and acting like Mr. or Ms. Mean won’t help building a business either.
  • The Law of Lesser Pissers: If you’re given the choice between pissing someone else off and pissing yourself off, choose them every time.

Raising Fees

  • Don’t raise your fees without offering an increased perceived value.


  • The number-one thing to remember is, everything is urgent. If you do anything other than the highest priorities, you just won’t grow.
  • If you only have a few clients, appointments, or duties in a day, “cluster book” them – pack them tightly together in the smallest possible time.

Prosperity and Austerity

  • When you start to feel prosperous and elated, that’s the time to get back on focus. When you’re at your peak, do what you’d normally do at your bottom. When you’re at your bottom, do what you’d normally do at your peak.

Did I?

  • Every time you discover something that helped your business grow, add it to a list. Review that list at the end of each day.
  • “Did I” Checklist:
    1. Did I count my blessings and focus on being thankful today?
    2. Did I list and prioritize my daily actions today?
    3. Did I act on my priority actions today?
    4. Did I communicate in terms of people’s values today?
    5. Did I share from my heart while speaking today?
    6. Did I write at least on thank-you letter today?
    7. Did I grow and accelerate my wealth today?


  • It’s wiser to receive counsel from those who’ve been there and have achieved success.

Work and Play

  • Put work and play together and you and your employees will be more integrated, energetic, and inspired.
  • The purpose of life is life, and it requires who sides to be complete.

Put Your Heart in It

  • When you truly appreciate and value where you are and what products or services you have to offer, so will others.
  • Until you innermost dominant thought is your clients, don’t expect their innermost dominant thought to be your business. When they are on your mind, you are on their mind.

The Formula for Business Explosion

  • Know your business purpose and objectives.
  • Organize your financial house.
  • Focus on high priorities.
  • Fill your mind with that you’d love and allow no idle time.
  • Know your costs, set your fees, and stick to them.
  • Continually raise your standards and fees.
  • Organize your place of business so it’s clean, efficient, and beautiful.
  • Throw away anything that doesn’t serve your priorities, and throw away anything you wear that doesn’t make you feel like a multimillionaire.
  • Put your heart into your business.
  • Treat your business with love.


  • Whatever your depts, total them up and translate them into service. Instead of thinking of the dept, focus on the service you can provide. (Your service is inspiring, money sums are not)

Marketing Magic

  • “Nothing happens in this world until somebody sells something to somebody.” -Walter Hailey
  • Everyone is in marketing and sales, whether they know it or not.
  • When you love yourself and become inspired, so will others. Marketing is a test of how much inspiration, self-love, and other-love you have, as well as your ability and certainty in communicating it.
  • When you can confidently sell yourself to yourself, you’ll confidently sell yourself to others.

Sell the Sellers

  • When a sales person comes to you: Instead of it being an annoyance, be prepared and turn it into an opportunity by asking the question “How do I make the sale when they come to make the sale?”

The Seven Stages of Selling

  1. Greet or introduce. Make sure you introduce yourself with a smile. People form opinions within the first three to five seconds of meeting you, so your voice, dress, eye contact, and manner are crucial here.
  2. Establish rapport. Similarities forge bonds. The quicker you can ask people questions about their lives that lead to common threads between you and them, the easier it is to sell.
  3. Identify their need. What’s their primary or immediate need? find out what appears to be missing or problematic in their lives. The numbers of rejections you receive during the selling process are inversely proportionality to how well you’ve established their need or void. The deeper and broader their need, the easier it is to sell.
  4. Confirm their need. Be certain that you’ve established their true need. When they’ve told you what their need of void is, repeat this back to them. It’s wiser to know than to assume or guess.
  5. Offer value. Tailor you work as a solution to their issue. Make an offer they can’t refuse. If someone says thy can’t afford or don’t want something, all that means is you haven’t demonstrated value in their terms – so communicate more value! People never have alack of money, they have a lack of motivation. If you provide the motivation, they’ll find the money. (Extreme example: What if the life of your children depends on something; would you find the money for it? Everything depends on motivation)
  6. Close. Make the sale. Don’t leave it vague – confirm the appointment, get the credit-card details, and arrange delivery and payment. Make it happen.
  7. Provide service. Deliver the service you promised.
  • The art of selling requires the ability to listen, so listen carefully and tailor your questions to fit your potential customers’ responses and needs. Link you services or products to your customers’ specific values and your products will sell themselves.
  • Honestly care. Be sure that your product or service truly fits their needs and values. If you try to fool people, they’ll eventually catch on. When you’re sincere and speak from your heart, they’ll respond most favorably.
  • To sell is not to tell. To sell is to ask. And occasionally it’s best to just be silent. Silence has power.

Added Value

  • Find a way to provide people that little extra something. It makes all the difference.


  • There’s a great value in having your satisfied clients speak for you.
  • If you don’t feel worthwhile, you lose heart; when you know you’re of value, you reopen your heart.

Praise and Blame

  • Honor and criticism come together as a pair, so if you’re not willing to experience more blame, you won’t be able to receive more praise.


  • Beware of paradigms and limiting belief systems, because they’re usually not true.

Chunk It Down

  • Donald Trump: His whole focus was on being in the right place at the right time and meeting the right people. To meet more people he reduced the meeting time from 1 hour to 15 minutes.
  • Chunk you objective down, and focus on the most probable and highest-quality prospects.
  • Affirmation: “I’m always in the right place at the right time to meet the right people to make the right deal.”

The Myth of Retirement

  • People don’t get old. When they stop growing, they become old.
  • Providing a service greater than yourself and being rewarded for it is life-generating.
  • “Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.” -Aldous Huxley
  • The vitality in every human being is directly proportionate to the vividness of his or her vision.


The Power of Relationship

  • Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping someone else will die.

Caring and Selling

  • Caring and selling are actually identical; they both mean knowing and meeting people’s values.
  • A relationship is a buying-and-selling proposition. To raise your value in the relationship marketplace, you must know the other person’s values and figure out how to fulfill them. If you can’t do that, you have little or no value.
  • They’re sharing their life with you and the instant they feel strongly enough that they’re not getting value for their investment, they’ll go somewhere else, just like your clients.
  • Money and beauty are powerful forces in the relationship marketplace, and if you don’t have one, it helps to have the other. To think otherwise is just another fantasy.
  • There is no such thing as, “Now that I have my partner, I can take him or her for granted.” You’re responsible for maintaining fair exchange, even in your relationships.
  • A relationship is an ongoing sales process, a constantly renewable contract on invisible paper, so live up to your side of the contract.

The Power of Purpose

  • Little causes attract little wealth, great causes attract great wealth, and immortal causes attract vast wealth.
  • When the whys are big enough, the hows take care of themselves.
  • If you don’t fill your life with what you love, it will fill up with what you don’t.

God Is in the Details

  • Whatever your dreams is, take the time to work it out in great detail. Any details you can’t see and leave out of your vision becomes an obstacle or challenge you’ll attract or face, and the obstacles are designed to help you clarify your vision.
  • Failing to plan is planning to fail, but if you take the time to define and refine exactly what you’d love to be, do, and have in your life, that’s what begins to appear.
  • It’s a simple fact that those who plan their lives, their careers, and their finances go further and end up with more life and wealth than those who don’t.
  • If you would love a life that conforms to your highest dream and vision, you’re responsible to be clear about what that is.

Space and Time

  • The magnitude of the space and time horizons within you innermost dominant thoughts determines the level of conscious evolution you’ve obtained. Inspired beings have big dreams. They think in long time frames and draw power from their visions.

Global Vision

  • When your financial purpose and dreams are focused on more than you immediate material needs, when they encompass the entire globe and all of humanity, a magical financial magnetism begins to emerge. Without a great purpose and vision, great events, accomplishments, and financial resources are unlikely to arise.
  • If you’d love to make a difference in yourself, you’d better have a vision at least as big as your family. If you’d love to make difference in your family, you’d better have a vision as big as your city. If you’d love to make a difference in your city, your vision must be as big as your state. If you’d love to make a difference in your state, you’d better have a vision as big as your nation. If you’d love to make a difference in you nation, you’d better have a vision as grand as the world. And if you’d love to have a global impact, you’d better have immortal vision.
  • First visualize, then write down, your goals and purpose. Why? Because writing acts as the first step in taking things from the world of imagination to the physical world by defining them in space-time.
  • Writing is a form of creation. It clarifies your mind and when your mind is crystal clear on what it would love, it finds a way to manifest those goals.
  • Affirmation: “I’m the vision, God’s (or the universe is – as you like) the power, we’re the team.”

A Cause

  • If you don’t have something challenging and fulfilling to awaken for in the morning, you won’t rise and shine.
  • Unless your goals are vast and growing, you’ll tend to slow down as you approach their fulfillment rather than letting yourself run out of things to do. That’s why it’s important to keep clarifying your purpose and expanding your goals and dreams.
  • Even with a clear purpose, you’ll occasionally be distracted and uninspired. The only reason you’re not inspired at those times is because you haven’t linked what you’re doing to your purpose. Make a list of everything you do in a normal day and ask yourself, “How does that help me fulfill my mission?” Keep linking everything to what you’d love and find its meaning and significance in your life. Anything you don’t see as part of your purpose feels pointless, and the ratio of pointlessness to purposefulness is how much hell or heaven you have in your life. Ask that question and keep asking and linking until it doesn’t matter what you do, you feel you';re on purpose. The truth is that everything you do is connected, and the more you link your actions to your purpose, the more you get to do what you love.
  • Money flees from those who have no purpose for it, an flows to those who do.
  • The universe meets you halfway. (that’s why your cause must be double the size of what you want to achieve)
  • What vision brings tears of inspiration to your eyes?
  • The quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask.
  • “You are never give a wish without also being give the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it however.” -Richard Bach
  • Challenge is the barrier that must be overcome before you can grow to the next level. If it were easy, everyone would do it. There’s a selection process going on, and those who are willing to pay the price and face their fears get the rewards. A great purpose gives you the courage to transcend your own limitations and achieve great riches.
  • “It is funny about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the very best, you will very often get it.” -W. Somerset Maugham
  • When you have a glimpse of your purpose, the next challenge is to manifest it. Every morning, write down the seven highest priority action steps you know you can take to help you fulfill your dreams and purpose. Schedule your day to give priority to what’s most important to you. Do this every day for a month and you’ll begin to see a pattern.


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3 Responses to My Notes From: How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven

  1. Jen P says:

    Thanks Erik!
    This is a great summary I have forwarded onto a few others. I’m waiting for Demartini’s book in the post, this has given me a great starting point and platform until it turns up.
    Please keep sharing your notes they’re wonderful, valuable and much appreciated. :)

  2. Matjhaya says:

    Thank you, I have read the book and appreciate your summary on it.

  3. Hi Erik

    Thanks so much for sharing your notes. I reviewed them and they are great. May I suggest the correction of a few typos I picked up before everyone reads your blog.

    I also know of a great copywriter if you need one to review your copy.

    Note the following:

    No one wakes up in the morning and says: “God, I wish I could think mall! I wish I could have less and do less and be less in my life!” (“small” not “mall”)

    Whatever your depts, total them up and translate them into service. Instead of thinking of the dept, focus on the service you can provide. (Your service is inspiring, money sums are not) (“Debt” not “Dept” – In two places)

    Identify their need. What’s their primary or immediate need? find out what appears to be missing or problematic in their lives. (Capital “F” Find)

    Offer value. Tailor you work as a solution to their issue. Make an offer they can’t refuse. If someone says thy can’t afford or don’t want something, all that means is you haven’t demonstrated value in their terms – so communicate more value! People never have alack of money (Tailor “your” not “you” – If someones says “they” not “thy” – “a lack” not “alack”)

    The purpose of life is life, and it requires who sides to be complete. (“two” sides not “who”)

    Even with a clear purpose, you’ll occasionally be distracted and uninspired. The only reason you’re not inspired at those times is because you haven’t linked what you’re doing to your purpose. Make a list of everything you do in a normal day and ask yourself, “How does that help me fulfill my mission?” Keep linking everything to what you’d love and find its meaning and significance in your life. Anything you don’t see as part of your purpose feels pointless, and the ratio of pointlessness to purposefulness is how much hell or heaven you have in your life. Ask that question and keep asking and linking until it doesn’t matter what you do, you feel you';re on purpose. (“fulfil” not “fulfill” – “you’re” – not “you';re”

    Money flees from those who have no purpose for it, an flows to those who do. (“and flows” not “an flows”

    “You are never give a wish without also being give the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it however.” -Richard Bach (:given” not “give” – in two places)

    That is all I came across.

    Thanks again


    Robin Kolberg

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