Comments on: My Notes From: How To Make One Hell Of A Profit and Still Get In To Heaven Let's Change The World! Sun, 26 Aug 2018 21:11:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Kolberg Sun, 26 Aug 2018 21:11:01 +0000 Hi Erik

Thanks so much for sharing your notes. I reviewed them and they are great. May I suggest the correction of a few typos I picked up before everyone reads your blog.

I also know of a great copywriter if you need one to review your copy.

Note the following:

No one wakes up in the morning and says: “God, I wish I could think mall! I wish I could have less and do less and be less in my life!” (“small” not “mall”)

Whatever your depts, total them up and translate them into service. Instead of thinking of the dept, focus on the service you can provide. (Your service is inspiring, money sums are not) (“Debt” not “Dept” – In two places)

Identify their need. What’s their primary or immediate need? find out what appears to be missing or problematic in their lives. (Capital “F” Find)

Offer value. Tailor you work as a solution to their issue. Make an offer they can’t refuse. If someone says thy can’t afford or don’t want something, all that means is you haven’t demonstrated value in their terms – so communicate more value! People never have alack of money (Tailor “your” not “you” – If someones says “they” not “thy” – “a lack” not “alack”)

The purpose of life is life, and it requires who sides to be complete. (“two” sides not “who”)

Even with a clear purpose, you’ll occasionally be distracted and uninspired. The only reason you’re not inspired at those times is because you haven’t linked what you’re doing to your purpose. Make a list of everything you do in a normal day and ask yourself, “How does that help me fulfill my mission?” Keep linking everything to what you’d love and find its meaning and significance in your life. Anything you don’t see as part of your purpose feels pointless, and the ratio of pointlessness to purposefulness is how much hell or heaven you have in your life. Ask that question and keep asking and linking until it doesn’t matter what you do, you feel you';re on purpose. (“fulfil” not “fulfill” – “you’re” – not “you';re”

Money flees from those who have no purpose for it, an flows to those who do. (“and flows” not “an flows”

“You are never give a wish without also being give the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it however.” -Richard Bach (:given” not “give” – in two places)

That is all I came across.

Thanks again


Robin Kolberg

By: Matjhaya Tue, 11 Feb 2014 10:04:10 +0000 Thank you, I have read the book and appreciate your summary on it.

By: Jen P Tue, 20 Nov 2012 20:58:28 +0000 Thanks Erik!
This is a great summary I have forwarded onto a few others. I’m waiting for Demartini’s book in the post, this has given me a great starting point and platform until it turns up.
Please keep sharing your notes they’re wonderful, valuable and much appreciated. :)
