Erik Unger's Blog » Startup Let's Change The World! Tue, 20 May 2014 10:21:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Business Model Canvas Tue, 24 May 2011 14:01:18 +0000 Continue reading ]]> We have been using the poster version of the Business Model Canvas at STARTup Live events to drill down on our business models.

The poster is great to collaborate on one physical sheet of paper, but I needed a digital friendly version to save the results and work on it later. So here is my bullet point structured version of the business model canvas crated with WorkFlowy. It can be copied and pasted from the website into most word processing applications.

The Business Model Canvas

  • Key Partners:
    • Who are your key partners?
    • Who are your key suppliers?
    • What key resources are we acquiring from partners?
    • Which key activities do partners perform?
    • Motivations for Partnerships:
      • Optimization and economy
      • Reduction of risk and uncertainty
      • Acquisition of particular resources and activities
  • Key Activities:
    • What key activities do our value proposition require?
    • Our distribution channels?
    • Customer relationships?
    • Revenue streams?
    • Categories:
      • Production
      • Problem solving
      • Platform/Network
  • Key Resources:
    • What key resources do our value propositions require?
    • Our distribution channel? Customer relationships?
    • Revenue streams?
    • Types of resources
      • Physical
      • Intelectual (brand patens, copyrights, data)
      • Human
      • Financial
  • Value Propositions:
    • What value do we deliver to the customer?
    • Wich one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?
    • What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer segment?
    • Wich customer needs are we satisfying?
    • Characteristics:
      • Newness
      • Performance
      • Customization
      • “Getting the job done”
      • Design
      • Brand/Status
      • Price
      • Cost Reduction
      • Risk Reduction
      • Accesibility
      • Usability
  • Customer Relationships:
    • What type of relationship does each of our customer segment expect us to establish and maintain with them?
    • How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?
    • How costly are they?
    • Example:
      • Personal assistance
      • Dedicated personal assistance
      • Self-services
      • Automated services
      • Communities
      • Co-creation
  • Channels:
    • Through which channels do our customer segments want to be reached?
    • How are we reaching them now?
    • How are our channels integrated?
    • Which ones work best?
    • Which ones are most cost-efficient?
    • How are we integrating them with customer routines?
  • Customer Segments:
    • For whom are we creating value?
    • Who are our most important customers?
    • Classes:
      • Mass Market
      • Niche Market
      • Segmented
      • Diversified
      • Multi-sided platform
  • Cost Structure:
    • What are the most important cost inherent in our business model?
    • Which key resources are ost expensive?
    • Which key activities are most expensive?
    • Sample characteristics:
      • Fixed costs
      • Variable costs
      • Economies of seal
      • Economies of scope
  • Revenue Streams:
    • For what value are our customers willing to pay?
    • What do they currently pay?
    • How are they currently paying?
    • How would they prefer to pay?
    • How much does every revenue stream contribute to overall revenues?
    • Types:
      • Asset sale
      • Usage fee
      • Subscription fees
      • Lending/Renting/Leasing
      • Licensing
      • Brokerage fees
      • Advertising
      • (Barthering)
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My Notes From: Simon Sinek – Start With WHY Sun, 08 May 2011 19:24:16 +0000 Continue reading ]]> I have made it a habit to take notes every time I hear or read something important. Writing and structuring the new information helps me to learn it and also to remember it better when I come back to it later. I thought you could benefit from my notes, so I have published this classic talk by Simon Sinek at TEDx Puget Sound 2009 together with my notes.

See also Simon’s website:

The tool I am using for taking and structuring all my notes is WorkFlowy.

More of my favorite speeches can be found here.

  • All great and inspiring leaders of the world they all think, act and communicate in the exact same way. And it’s the complete opposite to everyone else.
  • The golden circle: WHAT – HOW – WHY (middle of the circle).
    • All people and organization or know WHAT they do.
    • Some know HOW they do it.
      • Differencing value proposition, proprietary process or USP.
    • Very few know WHY they do what they do.
      • Why does not mean to make a profit, that’s just a result.
      • Why means: What’s your purpose, what’s your cause, what’s your belief, why does your organization exist?
    • The way we usually communicate is to go from the outside in. From WHAT, the most concrete thing to WHY, the most fuzzy thing.
    • All great leaders and inspired organizations think, act, communicate from the inside out. From WHY over HOW to WHAT.
  • People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it. WHAT you do simply serves as proof of what you belief.
  • The goal is not make business with people who need WHAT you have, the goal is to make business with people who belief what you belief.
  • Our brain is organized like the golden circle:
    • The neocortex corresponds with the WHAT level. The neocortex is responsible for our rational and analytical thought and language
    • The HOW and WHY levels make up our limbic brains. The limbic brains are responsible for our feelings like trust and loyalty, all human behavior, all decision making and has no capacity for language
    • So if we communicate from the outside in, most people can understand vast amounts of complicated information like features, facts and benefits – it just doesn’t drive behavior.
      • “I know what all the facts and details are, but it just doesn’t feel right”
    • When we communicate from the inside out we are talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior and we allow people to rationalize it with the tangible things we say and do.
  • If you hire people just because they can do the job (the WHAT), they work just for the money. But if you hire people who belief what you belief, they work for you with blood and sweat and tears.
  • The three reasons why it seams that projects fail: 1. under-capitalized, 2. the wrong people, 3. bad market conditions. But in reality it’s not because of those WHATs, it’s because the WHY is missing.
  • The law of diffusion of innovation:
    • Distribution of the population
      • 2.5% Innovators
      • 13.5% Early Adopters
      • 34% Early Majority
      • 34% Late Majority
      • 16% Laggards
    • If you want to get to the mass market (early + late majority), you first have to get over the 16% of innovators and early adopters.
    • Usually it’s easy to get the first 10%, those who “just get it”. But how do you get the next 6% until it can tip over to the majority?
    • The innovators and early adopters are more driven by what they belief in (the WHY) than the majority. The majority looks at the early adopters for confirmation.
    • Example: Standing in line to be the first who get’s a new Apple product. They are not there because of the WHAT (they can get the product later with less hassle), but because of the WHY. They want to be the first, and seen by others to be the first.
  • We follow those who lead not because we have to but because we want to.
  • We follow those who lead not because of them but for our selves.


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STARTup Live Vienna #4 Sat, 23 Oct 2010 08:07:07 +0000 Here my Storify collection of social media updates around STARTup Live Vienna #4.

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